
Lets Create a new Azure User and Start a Trial Account

Steps to Create Azure Trail Account

  1. Visit Azure Portal

  2. If you Don’t have a Account Create one

  3. Create a Strong Password

  4. Enter required Details

  5. Complete Robot Verification

  6. Once Creation of Account is Done you will See this page click on Start Free trail button

  7. Which will open a new page click on the start free button
  8. On the New page enter the details and Verify the Mobile number with text or call

  9. select the i agree buttons and click on next

  10. This will open card details page enter your Credit or Debit Card Details and Click Next

10-1. If online transactions are not enabled you will get this error

  1. This will ask for otp on your registered mobile, make sure your card has online transactions enabled

  1. After the Registration and Transaction is done we can view in our account details as directory this is free trail

  1. After Some time of your azure account creation you can get a mail or sms saying Emandate was created, Don’t worry this is expected