
Here we should manually

  1. Install powershell 7 from windows store
  2. install windows terminal from windows store
  3. set powershell 7 as the default

Install Azure Cli

# these are builtin powershell commands called commandlet
# this is similar to bash scripting but for windows.
# open terminal as admin
invoke-webrequest -uri -outfile ./azurecli.msi
start-process msiexec.exe -wait -argumentlist '/I azurecli.msi /quiet'
[system.environment]::setenvironmentvariable("path","$env:path;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\wbin",[system.environmentvariabletarget]::machine)

Install Terraform

# continue from above section
invoke-webrequest -uri -outfile ./
expand-archive -path ./ -destinationpath C:\Terraform\bin -force

verify the installed versions

close the terminal entirely and open again to verify

az --version
terraform --version