
Lets create a new spring boot api that Performs CRUD operations on the mysql server we have installed.

Usually we create a spring project by creating a starter project and importing in our STS tool.

But as most companies and enterprise grade softwares are still stuck with JAVA JDK 8 for legacy code and still maintaining it till 2030, we will use a manual spring boot project to simulate that.

To simplify, i already have all the source code and config in this git repo, you can clone in your local and use

  1. open terminal in a folder of your choice(desktop git folder) where you can store this spring boot project
  2. clone the repo and import in sts
  3. check if the project is using java 8 or not in the project properties
  4. click on run as and select maven clean and maven install to download project dependencies
  5. make sure to have the mysql workbench started and a database with name devops_db is already created, we use that db to put all data.
  6. run the project as spring boot application
  7. once application starts test the api with postman api or curl.

View this page for api testing