
Lets create Front end ui with angular and Create a Data table that uses the Spring API we created.

For this we will need to learn HTML, CSS, JS, TS and then create Angular Components.

To simplify, i already have all the source code and config in this git repo, you can clone in your local and use

Install VScode

Execute angular Project

  1. open terminal in a folder of your choice(desktop git folder) where you can store this angular project
  2. clone the repo and import in vscode or editor of your choice

make sure to have the spring api running in sts before running this project <hr>

edit the src/app/services/student.service.ts file, Uncomment the for windows line and comment the for ubuntu line to test the front end in local <hr>

you will see some errors in vscode those are expected as the code can’t find the libraries and dependencies needed. so lets install them

##### open a new terminal in your angular project and run this command npm install . #### verify the local angular version this should be different from global 18, this is 16 for the project ng version

Now lets serve the project with this command ng serve --host and access in the browser with localhost:4200

Validate the Webpage