
Lets install Jenkins and its dependencies in a new VM for controlling our first vm.

we need openjdk for this jenkins takes care of it.

sudo curl --fail --silent --show-error --location --output /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc]" binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
sudo apt update 
sudo apt install fontconfig openjdk-17-jre -y
java -version

sudo apt install net-tools jenkins -y

sudo systemctl enable --now jenkins
sudo systemctl restart jenkins
sudo systemctl status jenkins

# check if jenkins is accessible from port 8080
sudo netstat -tulpn

Visit the Jenkins webpage from vm_ip:8080 in a browser and configure the jenkins setup from this

If asks for a password run in your vm sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword